Kuncanowet excursion April 18

The Saturday, April 18 Hike of the Month commemorating Dunbarton’s 250th Anniversary will be an excursion into the Kuncanowet Town Forest and Conservation Area as we enjoy some of the easiest trails. 

We will depart from the parking area at the end of Holiday Shore Drive at 10:00 am.  Weaving our way along the Hobblebush Trail, Pond View Loop Trail and a portion of the Mill Pond Trail, we will arrive at the Stinson Mill Site and the Mill Pond. 

The one hour plus hike will cover between two and three of the seven miles of trails available.  Hikers who wish to challenge themselves further may continue on to explore the remainder of the KTFCA trail system.  Maps will be available for those adventurous trekkers.

Hikers completing all thirteen hikes to the Thirteen Wonders of Dunbarton will receive a limited edition 250th Anniversary Natural Wonder Certificate. 

For more information, please email hike leaders Ron and Darlene Jarvis.