The Dunbarton Conservation Commission will hold a trail maintenance day Saturday, April 30 from 9:00 a.m. until approximately 11 a.m. and welcomes the help of volunteers in either the Bela Brook Conservation Area or the Kimball Pond Conservation Area.
Work will primarily involve clipping branches to maintain trail width and removing branches and fallen trees from the trails.
We will also pick up trash at the Kimball Pond Boat launch and along Legache Hill Road in the Kimball Pond Conservation Area.
Please register in advance at this link to let us know that you plan to attend and which conservation area you will help with. REGISTER >
If you come to help, please bring clippers, loppers or a hand saw. Packing insect repellent (if the bugs are out by then) and water would also be advisable.
If heavy rain is forecast for that date, please check your email prior to 8 a.m. Saturday for a rescheduling notice. The rain date is Sunday, May 1.
Questions? Email
Bela Brook Conservation Area - Meet at trailhead parking lot on Grapevine Road.
Kimball Pond Conservation Area - Meet at Kimball Pond boat launch parking lot.
Photo: Drew Groves