Most of us who enjoy spending time outdoors have some ability to identify common deciduous trees and shrubs when they are clad in their distinctive leaves. But that gets much more difficult in the winter, doesn’t it?
If you want to gain confidence in winter tree identification (and impress your friends) join forester Wendy Weisiger who will give us tips on getting to know familiar trees by clues found in buds, fruits, leaf scars, bark, and branching patterns. Weisiger is managing forester with the Society for Protection of NH Forests.
Saturday, December 1, 9-11 am. Bela Brook Conservation Area, Grapevine Road, Dunbarton.
Parking at the Bela Brook trailhead on Grapevine Road in Dunbarton is very limited. Please park nearby on the side of Zachary Drive. It’s a one-minute walk to the trailhead from there.
Wear sturdy footwear and dress for being outside for a couple of hours in whatever weather is dealt to us that day, including a warm hat and gloves if it's cold. Expect to walk about a mile in total. Wear brightly colored clothing, it's hunting season.
If you have a hand lens or magnifying glass you may find it useful to bring it, but it's not essential.
We will conduct the program rain, snow, or shine. (It doesn’t make any difference to the trees.)
Questions? Email or call Brett St. Clair at 774-3594.